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What are the Best Ways to Take CBD?

What are the different methods to consume CBD?

When we think of cannabis, the first thing that pops up in our mind is someone rolling or smoking a joint. This notion has led people to associate a stigma with cannabis. This may also be the reason why some people still avoid or dislike the use of CBD even though it has countless health benefits. 

This blog aims to shed light upon the diverse methods of consuming cannabis. Each method comes with a pro/con list. We cannot determine which ones the best because that is for you to figure out based on your individual preferences. Let’s get right to it. 

CBD consumption methods

It will be difficult to discuss all the methods in one text therefore we’ll review some popular ones. CBD can be consumed orally, sublingually, or through topical application. Not just that but you also get to decide from thousands of flavors. But for this blog, let’s only stick to what’s important: the methods. 


  1. Inhalation 

The most popular way to consume CBD is through vaping or smoking. It is famous because it’s recreational, and a good alternative to nicotine. So the people struggling to quit nicotine can switch to CBD, a much healthier choice with the same joy. CBD inhalation is also favored for another reason. Inhalation is the fastest way to set in the effects of CBD. It enters directly into your lungs and from there to your bloodstream. The effects can be felt within 15 minutes of inhaling which is way faster than any other method. This is also primarily the reason why inhalation made it to the top of our “best CBD methods” list. 

Smoking vs. Vaping CBD 

The smoking vs. vaping war has been thriving on the internet since way before cannabis was legalized. Although smoking is an inexpensive way of inhaling CBD, it has a few detrimental effects on your health. A big chunk of the population presumes that it’s the nicotine in cigarettes that is harmful to health. Sure, nicotine is harmful, but what’s even more harmful is the smoke. Inhaling smoke burns the lungs and causes breathing problems in the later future. Besides that, it also causes infections in the respiratory tract. 

Vaping, on the other hand, is considerably healthier. It doesn’t burn the CBD content and cause combustion. But as the name suggests, it only vaporizes CBD and vapor is not harmful. Vaping also allows you to keep track of how much CBD you consume. The only con is that you need to purchase vaping equipment and accessories which is slightly more costly than rolling paper. 

Vape cartridges are available in an amazing variety of flavors including Banana Kush, Blue Dream, Cherrie Pie, Wedding Cake, etc. It’s astounding how Banana Kush smells so much like bananas. Imagine inhaling something as potent as CBD with the mellow aroma of fruits like bananas. 

  1. Edibles

In terms of success, CBD edibles are one of the fastest-growing products in the cannabis market. And why wouldn’t they be? Products like CBD capsules, oils, gummies, ice cream, lollipops, etc. are a great way to consume CBD. They’re yummy and discreet too. Discretion helps you to take CBD during working hours, or hangouts without hesitation. If someone asks, simply tell them they’re your daily multi-vitamins, which no doubt they actually are. 

CBD oil can be consumed in a number of ways; you can rub it on your skin, add a drop or two under your tongue, or if you don’t like the taste you can simply add it to your meals. 

Another thing to bear in mind is that CBD edibles take longer to kick in. Don’t gobble down a few capsules at the same time under the misconception that they’re not working. It’s always safe to track your CBD dose. After 1 dose, wait for 45 minutes or an hour before the effect sets in. 

CBD edibles are available in a vast variety; the most commended ones being the capsules. CBD capsules come in AM and PM doses. The AM capsules as the name suggests are suitable for daytime use. They’re blended with caffeine, B-complex, and a little extra B-12, all of what you need to escape Monday morning blues. 

  1. Sublingual 

The term sublingual refers to consuming something orally by keeping it under the tongue. This method is prescribed by doctors for medicine consumption because it has gradual but long lasting-effects. All you need to do is put a few drops of CBD tincture under your tongue for 30 seconds or so before swallowing. It will make you feel relaxed. This method is commended for the convenience it offers. You don’t need vape cartridges or coffee cups for this one. 

CBD tinctures are available for human and pet consumption. One great thing about our CBD isolate tincture is that it doesn’t have a bitter taste which is what makes it convenient to be taken sublingually with discretion. They’re also available in 300mg, 600mg, 1200mg and 2400mg doses. 

  1. Topical application

Inhaling or ingesting CBD is not everyone’s cup of tea which is why there are other options available. CBD can be used externally in the form of lotions, oils, ointments, creams, balms, etc. to treat or benefit the skin. After all, anti-aging is one of the CBD’s most commended wonders. Applying the above mentioned CBD products helps to alleviate sore muscles, headaches and a number of other bodily discomforts. 

CBD lotions are available in choices that include Honey-Lavender, Rose-Vanilla and Rosemary-Mint. They contain 600mg CBD as well as essential oils to alleviate pain and help in falling asleep. The wonderful aroma helps to relax the body after a long tiring day. 

Final thoughts

The best way to consume CBD simply relies on how you like it. For some people, it’s the gummies and for others, it’s the vapes. However, it’s important to know that pregnant or nursing women and people with certain health conditions should consult a doctor before consuming CBD in any form.